Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions ? Discover the most frequently questions asked by users of the Deroulpack and find your answers

Are spare or replacement parts available for the Deroulpack?

Yes, the company Leaconcept, manufacturer of Deroulpack, offers spare parts that can be delivered on a very short notice.

Can the Deroulpack be placed on the ground and easily stand vertically between two filmings?

Yes, the wide sole of the foot keeps it securely vertical so that the Deroulpack can be placed on the ground in perfect vertical balance.

Does the Deroulpack require any regular maintenance or part replacement?

The brake washer requires periodic replacement. This washer (large white washer at the base of the foot) wears down through the friction of the reel, and in turn ,slows down the rotation. We recommend replacement after having filmed approximately 400 pallets.

How durable Is the Deroulpack wrapping system?

The Deroulpack wrapping system is extremely reliable and robust. The heavy duty design and construction materials make it reliably strong in all of the logistics trades. It is designed to withstand elements in any environment, dry, humid, dusty.

How long does it take to change coreless film reels?

Loading is extremely easy and amazingly fast. It takes about 5 seconds by placing the coreless reel directly onto the IZIGRIP accessory.

Is it necessary for employees to be trained in the use of the Deroulpack?

It is strongly recommended to train operators. The proper operation of the system ensures maximum performance and advantages of the Deroulpack. Training can be done by a physical demonstration, or by encouraging them to follow the recommendations in the training video. Hands on training attains effective results normally by the second of third training pallet.

Is it necessary to unscrew and remove the threaded handle each time the reel is changed?

No, removal of the threaded handle is not necessary to change the film reel.
Simply remove the empty reel and thread the new reel onto the handle and place the new reel over the handle

Is it possible to do cross-wrapping and strapping when filming pallets manually?

Yes, the ergonomics of the Deroulpack and its film tension adjustment function make it very easy to carry out cross-wrapping and strapping.

Is it possible to film any type of pallet with Deroulpack?

Yes, by selecting the proper film, it is possible to film pallets up to 2.20 m high without difficulty.

Is it possible to use cored and coreless reels with the same Deroulpack?

Yes, it is very easy and quick to switch between film reels with cores and film reels without cores (coreless).
All you need to do is, put in place the IZIGRIP accessory for coreless reels and remove the accessory for reels with cores.
Installing and removing the IZIGRIP is very simple and does not require any equipment.

Is the IZIGRIP accessory easy to install for filming with coreless film?

Yes, the installation of IZIGRIP is very easy and fast.
All you have to do is completely unscrew the handle, place the IZIGRIP over the handle, screw the threaded handle back on. It’s as simple as that!

Is the stretch film tightly stretched around the products on the pallet?

Yes, the optimisation and efficiency of film tensioning are strong points that make Deroulpack a must for manual pallet wrapping. The operator adjusts the film tension at start-up. Deroulpack makes it possible to maintain constant tension throughout.
However, the operator may adjust the film tension at any time to increase or decrease tension in the stretch. without stopping the wrapping process.

What are the dimensions of the Deroulpack packaging?

Deroulpack package dimensions are: 600 x 240 x 120 mm. Pallets are packaged in groups of 540 boxes of Deroulpack.

What are the weights and dimensions of the Deroulpack?

The Deroulpack is designed to limit operator fatigue and to promote an ergonomic working posture.

  • Its weight is 1.2kg
  • Its dimensions are: 600 x 200 x 100 mm
What material is the Deroulpack made of?

The components of the Deroulpack are made of aluminum and stainless steel.

Everything is recyclable for better preservation which makes it environmentally friendly.

What width of stretch or pre-stretched film can be used with Deroulpack?

The standard version of Deroulpack allows the use of film reels from 250 mm to 450 mm wide.
Film reels with a width of 500 mm can be used if you add a larger threaded handle. This larger handle is available and can be added on request.

Why does Deroulpack improve the quality of pallet wrapping?

Improving the quality of pallet wrapping is based on Deroulpack’s film tension adjustment mechanism. It is then possible to:

  • deposit the film in a regular manner
  • have a film well laid and stretched all around the products

Do you have additional questions ? Contact us !